December 9, 2009

MPJE® can be tricky and there isn't sufficient material available to prepare for the exam. Here are few tips with the hope that someone will find this information useful in preparing and passing this exam.

  • What is MPJE®?
  • The Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination® (MPJE®) is a standard exam created by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) to assess an individual's competency and knowledge of pharmacy laws। It is a requisite exam for candidates seeking licensure to be a Pharmacist in most states in US। The MPJE® is developed based on the competency statements as outlined by NABP® in their nationally uniform exam blue print.
  • What is MPJE® like?
  • MPJE® is a computer-adaptive test that consists of 90 multiple-choice questions. 60 of these questions are counted towards the final score and 30 are pretest questions that do not contribute to final evaluation. Examinees are allowed up to 2 hours to complete the test. One must attempt at least 77 questions to receive a score.
  • What is the passing score for MPJE®?
  • To pass the MPJE®, one must obtain a scaled score of 75. Candidates are allowed to retake the MPJE® after 30 days if an attempt is unsuccessful.
  • How do I go about preparing for MPJE®?
  • Get yourself accustomed to the type of questions tested in MPJE®. There are few good resources, we recommend PharmSuccess which has 9-10 MPJE® like exams that can help you familiarize the questions, practice them as much as possible. Use Guide to Federal Pharmacy Law to use as a study guide to review the federal portion of the exam. The book is concise and easy to understand and is the most popular review material used by exam candidates. It is important that you know your state specific pharmacy laws since about 20% of the exam consists of questions relevant to your state. Contact your state pharmacy board for the state specific material or visit their website for relevant information.
  • What is the most important topic asked on MPJE®?
  • Controlled substances act (CSA) comprise of most strict laws among the pharmacy laws and probably the easiest to understand and remember. 25-40% of questions on MPJE® refer to CSA and offer you the best chance to be confident on your answers. Ensure that you pay special attention to this topic when preparing for the exam, be thorough with it.
  • How long must I prepare for MPJE®?
  • You must decide that on your own since individual requirements vary. Most people successfully prepare for the MPJE® within 2-3 weeks studying about 5 hours/day. When preparing for the exam, device a strategy that you think will work for you. We suggest that you get familiarized with the exam content and question style before commencing reviewing your exam guide. Pay specific attention to CSA and spend enough time with your state specific material. You must realize that if you are relying on the state board material for the state specific part of the MPJE®, it can get pretty frustrating trying to make sense of the tough law language. So, you must devote enough time reading, understanding and re-reading the state material. Taking notes will help.
  • What is the pass rate for MPJE®?
  • National average pass rate is about 89%. Due to lack of advise and direction, 11% candidates still fail to make it on their first attempt.
  • Does internship help in passing the MPJE®?
  • It is tough to say that it does. Though internship do expose you to different aspects of pharmacy laws, many pharmacists do not follow the laws by the book. Hence, you must be able
    to differentiate between what the actual law is (and hence the right answer to a MPJE® question) and what you experienced in your pharmacy practice.
  • How soon will I be able to find out about my MPJE® scores?
  • Your state board usually receive your scores from NABP® within 3-5 business days. Since processing times vary from state to state, you may want to enquire with your state board regarding this. Some state boards post your results on their website, some may give you this information over the phone and some may restrict it to postal mail notification only.